CBC Fremantle | In Touch

Graduation - The Finale of the CBC Journey

Graduation is a momentous occasion at CBC Fremantle - a time to celebrate the closing of one chapter while reflecting on the collective contributions that have shaped the young men walking across the stage. It is with immense pride that this week, I sat not only as a staff member but as a father at Tuesday's Graduation Ceremony. The experience gave me a deeper understanding of the tremendous work being done at our College. bb_web-photo.jpg

At CBC, we often speak of our shared values and our desire to form young men who are not only academically prepared but also morally grounded. As a father, I had the privilege of seeing these values in action, and it reaffirmed everything I have come to believe about our school's purpose. I am in a unique position, along with other staff members who have shared their CBC journey with their sons. Although my shared experience with my son Jaelan spanned only a year, it was enough to solidify my belief in the transformative power of the CBC experience.

Jaelan may cringe when he reads this (and I did warn him that I would have the last word after all those hour-long car rides). But it must be said - his decision to join CBC in Year 12 was a brave one. He entered an unfamiliar environment, knowing no one, and yet he embraced the challenge with courage. I will admit, I probably felt more anxiety and trepidation than he did. But as I reflect on his experience, I realise that this transition not only tested his resolve but also gave me a test case for all the things I advocate for in my role at CBC.

When I interview new parents and their sons, I often speak passionately about the CBC journey and the attributes of a CBC Gentleman. I truly believe in this vision, and I am wholly committed to the idea that boys enter our school and graduate as well-rounded gentlemen. Jaelan's journey reinforced that belief in ways I hadn't imagined. Although he missed out on some key programs, milestones, and ceremonies that others had shared together over several years, he gained something just as valuable: the outcome of those experiences. He was welcomed into his cohort with open arms and formed deep, hopefully, lifelong friendships that gave him a profound sense of belonging.

I have seen first hand how our dedicated staff invests time, care, and attention into every student. They went above and beyond for my son, just as they do for all boys at CBC Fremantle. To see this happen to your own child reinforces the exceptional quality of our staff and their commitment to the formation of good young men.

At CBC Fremantle, we don't just talk about our values - we live by them, every day. This journey of personal growth, character development and strong sense of connection is what sets our College apart. Graduation may mark the end of a chapter, but it also signifies the beginning of a new journey for our young men, shaped by the values and guidance they have received from this community.

For Jaelan and for every young man graduating this year, we celebrate not only their academic achievements but also the men they have become. And that, above all, is what makes CBC Fremantle a truly special place.

Mr Brent Butcher
Vice Principal


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